How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast
Do you have credit card debt? If so, how to pay off debt fast has probably crossed your mind many times. Having no debt can give you many options that are not available to you when you have monthly credit card bills. So, becoming debt free should be a priority. If...
Credit Card Financing – How To Decide If It Is For You
Credit card debt not only drains you financially, but it can drain you mentally as well. You worry regularly as well as lose sleep at night wondering how you are going to dig your way out from under a pile of debt. Consumer debt help can come in a number of different...
Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early or Invest?
Owning a home...for some, it is the American dream, but along with this dream comes a mortgage. In many cases, this means a payment for 30 years. Thirty years can seem like a lifetime when it comes to making a payment each month that likely exceeds $1000. However,...
Should I Pay Off Debt or Save Money?
When the question of money comes up and the discussion turns to paying off debt vs saving money, which should you do first? First off, I don’t necessarily think there is any right or wrong way to answer this question. It is more about what is right for you and where...
7 Books That Can Help You Get Out of Debt
Getting out of debt is not an easy task. Personal finance books about eliminating your debt provide valuable information. They can also be great motivators. Many debt relief reads give a step by step plan for getting rid of the debt followed by steps for achieving...
How to Create a Debt Repayment Plan
What is a debt repayment plan? It is a plan that is recorded on paper or digitally that is your road map to paying off debts that you have. These debts can range from credit cards to a mortgage. Your debts may also include student loans, medical bills, car loans,...
Are These Stupid Excuses Keeping You in Debt?
Point blank, debt can steal your dreams. Having a mortgage or student loan debt is one thing, but having consumer debt will limit your options in life. The best way to handle it is to repay it aggressively. Sometimes that is much easier said than done, especially if...
8 Things You Should Know About Debt Settlement
You have consumer debt and you know you are in over your head. You are not sure what to do next. Then you hear an ad on the radio that tells you can be out of debt for pennies and there is a little-known secret about credit card debt…you don’t have to pay it all. Most...
How to Consolidate Credit Card Debt Quickly
People have credit card debt for any number of reasons ranging anywhere from trying to keep up with the Jones to being unemployed and living off their credit cards. Whatever the reason, debt can be a huge source of stress as well as a drain on your finances and credit...